he simple and elegant looking ones of the Pancha Rathas (the five rock-cut shrines cluster) in Mahabalipuram . Draupati Ratha is located on the extreme left, with a plane roof with beautiful floral scrolls at the four corners.
Dvarapalikas at Draupati Ratha
Dvarapalikas ats Draupati Ratha
Dvarapalikas at Draupati Ratha
Draupati Ratha (left) and the Arjuna Ratha two of the five rathas (shrines) popularly called the Pancha Rathas in Mahabalipuram.
Draupati and Arjuna Rathas in Mahabalipuram
Draupati Ratha (left) and the Arjuna Ratha two of the five rathas (shrines) popularly called the Pancha Rathas in Mahabalipuram.
Dvarapalikas at Draupati Ratha
Draupati Ratha (left) and the Arjuna Ratha two of the five rathas (shrines) popularly called the Pancha Rathas in Mahabalipuram.