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HOHO Delhi Sightseeing Tour

HOHO - Hop On Hop Off - bus tour is a the best way to 'cover' Delhi in 1 day.


ith a ticket cost around R600 head, HOHO Delhi Sightseeing Tour is the most convenient way to experience Delhi in one day. The tour buses operate alone the major attractions ( about 16+) in a circuit manner. At a few places (major ones) the bus awaits for you explore the site on foot. For the rest of the places it's a drive past.

Keep a full day in hand ( at least 6 hours). This is hassle free way to explore the city.

The limitation is the whirlwind nature of a bus tour.


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World Heritage Sites in India

The full list with brief description of 41 UNESCO World Heritage Sites in India

Mobile Phone in India
National Parks of India

India has more than 200 wildlife sanctuaries and about 100 of them are classified as National Parks. Here is a list of national parks of India. The names of the national parks are organized according to the state in which they belong to. Some of the national parks are speared over many states and only one state in listed in such cases. You can see the same list of national parks in India here arranged in the alphabetical order of their names.