Varkala to Alleppey by Train
Though most of the northbound trains go via Kottayam route , there are four daily trains between Varkala (Railway Station Code : VAK) and Alleppey (Railway Station Code : ALLP).
The Ernad Express (Train No:16606), Jan Shadabdi Express (Train No:12076) and the Guruvayur Express (Train No:16342) are intercity trains with AC Chair Cars (CC) and Second Sitting (2S) coaches.
The journey should take about 2 hours. You can buy ticket from the railway station counter. However it's advisable to get it advances reserved online ( AC Chair Car seat costs about Rs255 (4USD) , 2S about Rs65 (1USD) and Sleeper Class (SL) about Rs 140 (2USD). There are are AC 3Tire and AC 2 Tire coaches in some of the express trains with considerably higher ticket fares.
There are 3 trains in the morning and 3 in the evening towards Alleppey from Varkala. For the exact schedules check Indian Railway's website. Use Station codes VAK for Varkala Sivagiri and ALLP for Alleppey (Alapuzha).
Varkala to Alleppey by Road You need to get to NH47 first from Varkala.There are two main roads from Varkala towards the highway. The first joins NH47 at Kallambalam junction and the second joins NH47 near Paripally located about 6km north of Kallambalam.
Once you hit the national highway, head towards Kollam (Quilon). It's about 1 hour drive to Kollam from Varkala. From Kollam to Alleppey is another 2 hours drive.
Traffic conditions varies, generally this is a bit busy route with traffic moving a bit slow when the highway passes through the many small towns between Varkala and Alleppey.
On an average, it's a 3 hour's drive from Varkala to Aleppey.
Varkala to Alleppey by Bus Direct bus connections are few. A better way is to reach Kallambalam junction, and you should find a north bound KSRTC bus in every 15minutes or so. Generally buses are packed, especially during the weekends.
If you are not able to get a direct bus, get one to Kollam or any destinations north of it on the highway. You should be able to get quick connections as you move northwards.
Varkala to Alleppey, Thiruvananthapuram, Kollam, Kottayam road and rail routes