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India flights


his section of India flights is mainly meant for those of you who are coming to India from abroad. If you are familiar with the India flights scenario, you may skip this section altogether.

The destination of your India flight most probably is one of India’s busiest airports: New Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata or Chennai. These are the popular international gateways to India. Roughly, these airports are located at the north, west, east and south of India. Except the Delhi, all are coastal cities. That makes your job a bit simpler, if you are still scrambling to locate these cities on India’s map.

Thought of mentioning this piece of information about the name of these cities and their airports. The cities are often known by multiple names. Out of these the official names may not sound all that familiar if you are a novice India traveler. A list of the old and new names of the Indian cities are given .

Old name : New name
Bangalore to Bengaluru
Bellary to Ballary
Calicut to Kozhikode
Trivandrum to Thiruvananthapuram
Cochin to Kochi
Poona to Pune
Bombay to Mumbai
Madras to Chennai
Calcutta to Kolkata

Flight connections for Kerala

Flight connections for Kerala


Flight connections for Kerala

Flights to Rajastan

Flights to Rajastan


Destinations | Itineraries | Routes
West Bengal
Places in Kolkata
World Heritage Sites in India

The full list with brief description of 41 UNESCO World Heritage Sites in India

Mobile Phone in India
National Parks of India

India has more than 200 wildlife sanctuaries and about 100 of them are classified as National Parks. Here is a list of national parks of India. The names of the national parks are organized according to the state in which they belong to. Some of the national parks are speared over many states and only one state in listed in such cases. You can see the same list of national parks in India here arranged in the alphabetical order of their names.